An Accredited Specialist is a lawyer who has completed the Queensland Law Society specialist accreditation program in a particular area. This program is a practical accreditation program offered by the Queensland Law Society and offers an assessment of a solicitors' competency and knowledge in a particular area. There are currently 10 areas of speciality, including family law.
In order to be eligible to complete the advanced study program, a solicitor needs to show that they have had substantial involvement in the area they are seeking accreditation in over a number of years, have references to show that they have high level knowledge and extensive experience in the area and to have at least 5 years post admission experience.
An accredited family law specialist is a solicitor who has completed the accreditation in the family law area and is recognised by the Queensland Law Society for having done so.
Accreditation demonstrates that the solicitor is an expert in their field: in this case, family law. Obtaining the accreditation is a rigorous and difficult process which assesses the ability and knowledge of the lawyers who are applying. It is not a course of study materials to learn and then be assessed on, it is an assessment of skills a lawyer seeking accreditation already has. There are requirements to maintain accreditation including ongoing professional development and learning to ensure that the specialist remains an expert and knowledgeable of the law in this complex area.
Accredited specialists are experts in their fields, have the high level knowledge and skills to assist you and your family in even the most complex of matters. Lawyers are not required to have a speciality in their practice. Most lawyers (in Queensland around 97%) will not obtain specialist accreditation.
Family law is a complex and nuanced area of law, where people benefit from the expertise of lawyers who practice in that specialist area at a level of excellence. By choosing an accredited specialist, you are ensuring that you are advised by a Solicitor who is at the top of their field, with the skills needed to support and guide you through the separation process, regardless of if it involves litigation or not.
PO BOX 1639
Toowoomba, QLD 4350
Level 13/50 Cavill Avenue
Gold Coast, QLD 4217